
Tenor (1907-2002)

Nadia Sikorsky, the granddaughter of Solomon Khromchenko, wrote a novel about him entitled “Russian Tenor Solomon, the Hostage of his Century”.

Life Line

Destiny was kind to him, this man born to sing. He started humming melodies practically at the same time as he started talking and preserved his God-given voice until a very advanced age: 94 years. What a life! Pogroms in Tsarist Russia, the 1917 Revolution, two world wars and one civil war, Stalin’s terror, Khruschev’s thaw, Gorbachev’s perestroika… Imagine, he witnessed the birth of a huge political formation, the Soviet Union, and outlived it! Miraculously, Solomon Markovich Khromchenko managed to endure this for almost a century, a century full of joys and hardships having remained an ever-optimist, a kind and charismatic person, a witty storyteller, who watched the fast-changing world around him with wide-open eyes of a wise child. He managed to remain a Singer.
